The compressor will take whatever name you gave it as an argument, and add -comp to the end. This file is created by the table extractor, so if you need one, just run that. Table Extractor usage: TabExt.exe Ĭompressor Notes: The compressor relies on a file called table.bin being in the same directory as the compressor executable. I downloaded msys2 ( ) then used pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc to get a version that could compile it, so hopefully that will work.Ĭompressor Usage: Compress.exe I got this to compile on Windows, but I needed a specific version of minGW to do it. This won't be too useful if you're only compressing vanilla ROMS (Well, it will compress in a few milliseconds, but I'm not sure why you would be compressing the same ROM over and over), but it should prove very useful if you're making ROM hacks or using the OoT Item Randomiser, because if you're only changing a few files, it won't compress the entire ROM again, and will instead only compress what it needs to.Īlthough you shouldn't need to compile, here's what you'll need to use to do soĬompiling the compressor (Mac/Linux): gcc -s -O3 -o Compress.out compressor.c -lpthreadĬompiling the compressor (Windows): gcc -s -O3 -o Compress.exe compressor.c -l:libpthread.aĬompiling the table extractor (Mac/Linux): gcc -s -O3 -o TabExt.out tableExtractor.cĬompiling the table extractor (Windows): gcc -s -O3 -o TabExt.exe tableExtractor.c This file is used to speed up subsequent compressoions by allowing the compressor to copy over similar files instead of compressing them again. With version 3.0, the compressor now makes a file called ARCHIVE.bin. This is done to make it much faster than other compressors, at the cost of a bit of noise. This program will probably make your CPU fans run very loud, as it pins every core in your processor to 100% for a while. wad file for a Virtual Console, it won't accept decompressed ROMs, so you'll want to compress it. Also, if you're trying to inject a game into a. This problem goes away* with compressed ROMs. From what I've noticed, emulators don't seem to like decompressed ROMs very much, and they occasionally crash when trying to pause. It takes a decompressed OoT ROM and a table (Use tableExtract for this), and creates a compressed version of the ROM.

This is a compressor for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.